Phoenix Financial Company

Microloans and Micro-Factoring

Microloans and micro-factoring are powerful financial tools for the smallest entrepreneurial enterprises.  At Phoenix Financial Company, we are recognized experts in providing these early-stage methods of finance to our areas smallest entrepreneurs.


Micro-Factors provide factoring services to small business operators typically generating less than $15,000 per month in invoices.  Micro-factors operate exactly like their larger brethren although fees may be just slightly higher.

Micro-factors work closely with local banks, lenders as well as local SCORE mentors, SBDCs and others to provide working capital to small business entrepreneurs.  Micro-factoring often provides the catalyst for explosive growth for businesses in their earliest stages of operation.


Microloans are small business loans typically from $1,000 to $50,000 in size.  They are often provided through local U.S. Small Business Administration "intermediaries" to startups and very early stage business owners. 

Microloans typically feature terms of 7 years or less with interest rates of 8-13%.  In addition to providing capital, micro-lenders also provide training and other services to entrepreneurs.

Microloans cannot be used to purchase business real estate but can be used for a variety of other reasons including...

Find Out More

One of the best ways to further explore this powerful small business finance tool and to see if its right for you and your business is to request our FREE booklet, "When Banks Say NO!...The Small Business Guide to Factoring."  It's FREE, from Phoenix Financial Company. Click below to order.